WARNING: If you don’t do this, your third eye WILL remain closed!
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Decalcify Your Pineal Gland To Unlock Your Third Eye & Your Innate Psychic Gifts…
Stop the Harm Caused by Toxic Fluoride You Have Been Consuming for Decades...
Allow Your Pineal Gland to Operate as It Should Resulting In Improved Hormone Balance and Sleep...
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By adding Fluoride to our Water Supply!
“A growing body of research links fluoride exposure to neurotoxicological impacts in humans, including IQ loss and a higher prevalence of ADHD in children.”
Fluoride also can cause hormone issues in both men and women…
Damaging the reproductive system and thyroid, and decreasing testosterone in men.
This can lead to weight gain and inability to conceive.
Why in the world would the government do this?
Well… unfortunately it wasn’t an accident.
You see… Hitler began adding fluoride to the water in concentration camps during WWII to make people more docile and easy to control.
This is why fluoride is an ingredient in the antidepressants, Prozac and Lexapro.
It calms people down.
And the government wants us calm so we don’t stand up and fight back when they try to control us.
It’s also in a TON of other drugs…
Long-term fluoride consumption causes skeletal fluorosis which is often misdiagnosed as arthritis.
And guess what they treat that with?
Over 325 drugs contain this poison!
They are putting it everywhere they can in “safe doses” (which are NOT safe at ALL)...
Because they want to get as much of it into our bodies as possible.
All these “small doses” add up. A LOT!
But why would they do this?
It’s a pretty dark reason, so if you’re standing up right now, take a seat before you keep reading.
After WWII, many Nazi scientists were brought over to the US in Operation Paperclip.
And our government decided that having US citizens become easier to control would be a great idea.
So they worked with these Nazi scientists to begin adding fluoride to our water supply.
They started adding it in 1945, the same year the war ended, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
And that’s when the assault on our health with this powerful neurotoxin began.
The primary way it does this is by calcifying the pineal gland.
This tiny gland in our brain does a TON of different powerful things in our bodies…
It produces and secretes melatonin which allows us to have healthy sleep patterns.
It also regulates blood pressure and allows the walls of our arteries to stay flexible.
It allows our bones to regrow and increases our bone density.
And it gets worse!
Not only does the government want to harm our health and make us calm so we are easier to control…
They also know that because the pineal gland is the third eye…
When they shut down the pineal gland’s ability to work properly…
They shut down our intuition and our psychic abilities too!
This ALSO makes us easier to control!
It’s pretty hard to control people who can psychically “see” what you are doing to control them!
So… you might be wondering who I am and why I care so much about your pineal gland.
In addition to this powerful report…
I also want to go even deeper by sending you a FREE weekly newsletter.
This newsletter will explain in much greater detail many methods you can use to decalcify your pineal gland.
After I learned the truth about how (and why) the government wants to control us with fluoride…
It has become my life mission to share this information with as many people as I can.
I want you to be able to protect yourself, your family, and your friends with this powerful information.
I can’t let the government interfere with our God-given right to have vibrant health and connect with the Divine.
So… if you are ready to reclaim your health and turn back on your psychic abilities…
Just enter your detail below and I’ll send your FREE report to you in just a few moments.